The 5 Most Common Triggers of Psoriasis – Psoriasis Awareness Month

psoriasis August is Psoriasis Awareness Month, a time dedicated to improving education about this autoimmune skin condition affecting millions of people around the globe.

Psoriasis manifests as red, scaly patches of skin accompanied by itchiness, burning, and stinging symptoms. More importantly, the condition is associated with additional health concerns like diabetes, heart disease, or depression.

That’s why it’s so important to understand the common triggers for psoriasis. It can help many patients manage their condition more effectively. At First OC Dermatology, you can count on treatment plans that help you lead a healthier life while coping with psoriasis.

What Triggers Psoriasis?

Although the exact cause of psoriasis remains unknown, a combination of genetics and immune system factors are involved. Various triggers can lead to flare-ups, worsening the symptoms for many patients.

While triggers may vary from person to person, it’s vital to know what common factors could be causing your symptoms.


Stress can be a significant factor in triggering a psoriasis flare-up. Elevated stress levels can have a negative impact on the immune system, prompting a flare-up or worsening existing problems. Stress management techniques like mindfulness and yoga could help prevent the worst moments.


Infections, particularly streptococcal throat infections, have been linked to the onset of guttate psoriasis in some patients. When the body is fighting off an infection, the immune system can go into overdrive, potentially causing a flare-up of psoriasis symptoms.

Skin Injury

Any form of skin trauma, including cuts, burns, or bug bites, can potentially lead to a psoriasis flare-up in the affected skin area. This phenomenon is known as the Koebner phenomenon, and it has been frequently observed in those with psoriasis.


Certain medications like beta blockers, antimalarials, and lithium have been linked to problems with psoriasis. They can also exacerbate existing symptoms.

Alcohol and Tobacco

Excessive consumption of alcohol or tobacco can lead to more than multiple health problems — it can also serve as a trigger for psoriasis flare-ups.

Schedule a Consultation Today

Psoriasis Awareness Month is an opportunity to learn (or remind yourself) of potential triggers for this chronic health condition. It’s also a time to consider consulting specialists for personalized, long-term care. If you or a loved one is dealing with persistent psoriasis, consider scheduling a consultation with First OC Dermatology.

To learn more or to schedule an appointment, contact the Irvine, CA, office at (949) 679-9997, or the Fountain Valley, CA, office at (714) 531-2966.


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Sat & Sun: Closed



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